Special Expertise Groups
AIOH Indoor Air Quality SEG (including COVID-19)
The AIOH Indoor Air Quality SEG provides a discussion forum for developing and sharing best practice
Occupational hygiene has been moving beyond the coal face and the factory floor to offices, classrooms, hospitals, and shopping centres - and now even further into homes and other residential settings.
The non-specific nature of many issues regarding indoor air quality can make the field both challenging and rewarding.
The Indoor Air Quality SEG will provide a forum most relevant to professionals working in the fields of:
Non-industrial building air quality investigations
Mould and moisture testing and assessment
Clean-up after fire, flood and/or water damage
Clandestine drug laboratory assessment, remediation, and validation
However, those with a genuine interest in Indoor Air Quality Best Practice are welcome to join.
AIOH Asbestos SEG
Asbestos SEG provides a discussion forum for developing and sharing best practice.
The relevant topics of interest are:
Asbestos Management, including surveys and registers.
Airborne asbestos fibre sampling
Asbestos identification analysis
Potential for occupational and non-occupational exposure
Asbestos contamination in soils
Naturally occurring asbestos (NOA) and asbestiform materials.
AIOH Radiation SEG
The AIOH Radiation SEG provides a forum for developing and sharing best practice
Discussions are most relevant to:
Appointed Radiation Safety Officers under the WA Radiation Safety Act and WA Mines Safety and Inspection Act in discharging their duties
People developing or implementing radiation management plans
People responsible for ionisation radiation emitting sources and devices at registered premises
Occupational hygienists looking to broaden their service offerings to existing clients
However, those with a professional interest in Radiation are more than welcome to join the group.